Python script to rename all tracknames in a gpx file with the first trackpoint date

[LATER EDIT: please don’t use this script – see here for an improved version]
At last, I’m posting here what I think to be a useful script. It is, however, more of a hack since for brevities sake and lack of experience, I just used Python’s string operations to do the job of taking the first trackpoint timestamp of a track and using that as the name of the track. The script was prompted by the useless names that get placed into the track names by either the garmin unit itself – thinks like ACTIVELIST#1 etc or even worse, every track in a gpx file has the name ‘track’. Having a timestamp as the name of each track at least means that in something like Viking, you can see each tracks timestamp in order which helps a lot.

You can download the file here (right click and Save Link As)

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