Locative Media, Psychogeography, links to three interesting essays

I’m having a fantastic time at the GPS workshop I’m leading at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park and I think the participants are too. It’s very stimulating indeed to be in a room with such inquisitive, interesting and intelligent people but it’s daunting too. I really hope I didn’t put them off when I couldn’t get a mac to recognise a usb-to-serial converter I use to plug my Garmin eTrex in with. Will set that right tomorrow.

I promised that I would link to some of the essays I gathered together, so here they are:

Time to hit the sack to be bright for day two. I’ll post more documentation later when I can focus (and I don’t mean concentrate, I really mean focus).

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One Response to Locative Media, Psychogeography, links to three interesting essays

  1. Hello!

    These are the three pieces of tech I was talking about yesterday,
    Powermonkey (poke them at @powermonkeys for a discount code)
    Solar backpack
    And MiFi personal wireless hotspot.

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