In Arnside

Drive To Arnside

Drive To Arnside as rendered by Qgis

We drove up to Arnside yesterday in Mum’s car. Despite weather warnings to the contrary, the drive proceeded uneventfully. Once freed from the strictures of driving, I took a quick evening walk up the Knot at the back of the garden and woodland of where we’re staying, with friends of Soph’s family. The photo below is an attempt to give an impression of what its like to do downward-facing dog on the knot which was part of the sun salutation I performed out of the sheer joy of being up there on such a lovely evening.
Downward Facing Dog Arnside Knot

Downward Facing Dog Arnside Knot

In the next few days, I’m determined to get out to Aubrey Burl’s favourite stone circle, Swinside as well as Long Meg and Her Daughters, spurred on by ‘A Little History of Astro-Archaeology’ my Dad lent me before we came up. More soon.

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2 Responses to In Arnside

  1. uair01 says:

    Hi Daniel! Inspired by your blog I’ve at last done something with my GPS traces. I have bought the GlobalSat DG-100 and I’m quite happy with it. This is my first attempt. I have used rough tools but I’m happy with the first results:

    I also liked your substrat-radio works! How’s the dowsing going? Where you are now must be an ideal area for dowsing!

    Greetings, Petr

  2. Administrator says:

    Hi Petr,
    Nice to see your Rotterdam ramblings I’m going to make a suggestion over there on your blog.
    Hoping to get out to a stone circle with the dowsing rods in the next couple of days but they are quite a drive from where we are. I’ll be sure to write it up here when I do

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