Digital Dowsing report 4

logitech mouse circuitboard top

logitech mouse circuitboard top

I’m just about to make the cuts I need to make to free the LED/receiver pairs from the mouse circuitboard. then ‘all I need to do’ (famous last words) is attach the black plastic rotary cogs to the dowsing rod and build a grip for them housing the LED/receivers. After consulting Martin, who I’m sure thinks I’m taking much too long and deliberating much too much, I’ve prepared the following diagramme so I know how to attach the LED/receiver pairs back to the circuitboard with cable (I’m going to use the mouse cable itself as it has 6 cores)
logitech mouse circuitboard underside annotated

logitech mouse circuitboard underside annotated

I’ll maybe get round to this before Christmas.

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One Response to Digital Dowsing report 4

  1. uair01 says:

    After consulting Martin, who I’m sure thinks I’m taking much too long and deliberating much too much …

    Yes. Martin would “just do it” and would enjoy any possible outcome 🙂

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