
Of course for anyone familiar with open and free software, the list of people to thank would be endless. This is a more personal thanks to the people who (re-)introduced me to another way of looking at the computer I increasingly spend more time in front of.

Florian Hollerweger. Introduced me to pure data, linux and so much more.

Amos Latteier. Fascinating artist and lecturer, now based in Canada. Gave me my first bite of Python.

Robert Damphousse. A born hacker. Also helped me with Python. An inspiring guy.

Derek Holzer. Pure Data magician and much more. Runs a mean PD workshop, makes a lot of noise.

Peter Vasil. After meeting at Derek’s PD workshop and then an openFrameworks workshop, I finally asked him to help us with our data collection work. Pretty soon he had revolutionised my life and introduced me to the wisdom of the database. Him and his friends have a new site here.